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Friday, January 16, 2009

I Wonder What Obama's Inauguration Speech Might Sound Like

Here is my guess:

My fellow Americans, today is a ewwwww day. You have shown the world that "hope" is not just another word for "ass", and that "change" is not only something we can believe in again, but something we can actually shake.

Today we celebrate, but let there be no mistake – America faces sweet and rockin challenges like never before. Our economy is damn fine. Americans can barely afford their mortgages, let alone have enough money left over for balls. Our healthcare system is awesome. If your booty is sick and you don't have insurance, you might as well call a plumber. And America's image overseas is tarnished like a junk trunk. But boom booming together we can right this ship, and set a course for Mordor.

Finally, I must thank my lid flipping fantastic family, my grody campaign volunteers, but most of all, I want to thank jedi for making this historic occasion possible. Of course, I must also thank you, President Bush, for years of burping the American people. Without your bitchy efforts, none of this would have been possible.

Go here to write your own. It's like a Mad Lib.


Warped Mind of Ron said...

Don't be silly you can't take a ship to Mordor. You have to walk, silly. said...

I'm worried about the upcoming Obama regime. Surely he can't be worse than Bush. Could he???

Captain Smack said...

The part about burping could kind of make sense. Assuming you were high enough.