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Saturday, February 28, 2009

For Stew...

[Because] EVERYTHING should taste like BACON...

Bacon flavored mayonnaise, y'all.

They also make Bacon Salt, which I purchased earlier today. I'm a little concerned about the potential taste, as 1) I purchased it from a store that also sells "Rap Snax" and 2) The item is clearly marked vegetarian.

On the up side, however, they brag that each serving (1/4 tsp) only contains 137 mg sodium. That can't be too bad, right?



kenju said...

Holy cow. 137 mg in only a quarter teaspoon? That sounds high to me.

Warped Mind of Ron said...

Mmmmmm.... Bacon

Blonde Goddess said...

Bacon flavored but labeled vegetarian?
That would be like labeling me "virgin" or "sober" or "normal".

Prunella Jones said...

There's even a chocolate covered bacon bar out now that sounds pretty good. I think I'll buy one and deep fry it.