The one place on the internets where it is advisable to drink and blog. Algore approved. THE hangout for spammers to relax with cheap porn that they didn't try to push on someone else already.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't Drink and Drive

On A Zamboni...

So a Zamboni driver was arrested and charged with DUI after driving erratically on the ice. Passing out behind the wheel and banging into everything. No, I'm not making this up.

So a little perspective is in order. Having gone to hockey games (I'm a big fan of the Atlanta Thrashers) I've seen the Zamboni in action. I would not however, classify myself as a professional authority on the Zamboni but Karl Scaatarwaarganfjiordsvenvaarcsjarsaad IS.

Karl, can you describe a normal Zamboni pattern?
Sjuure I caan, it looks juust ljike thjis:

And in the case where the woman was arrested?
It looked ljike thjis:

Imagine the horrified looks on the faces of the poor chirren in the stands as Becky Burnout* wrecked her way into notoriety.

*not her real name

The Zamboni is NOT for drunken driving. It is, however, permissible for Spongebob Squarepants to get zammy wid'it. Know what I say'n?


Warped Mind of Ron said...

Stew... did you intend the drawing of the drunk driver's path to look like a penis? I'm afraid that the stick penis drawings you've done in the past have begun to effect you unconsciously. The only cure is bacon and strippers. You must follow this prescription daily until the need to draw penises (?) Peni (?) subsides.

Stew Magoo said...

Ron. My friend. Ask yourself why it is that you're seeing penises drawn in a zamboni's path.

Seriously dude.

I will, however take you up on your advice to administer bacon and strippers. To myself.

You get your own bacon. And strippers.

Warped Mind of Ron said...

Holy Crap! Point taken. I'm off to the strip club with bacon now.