The one place on the internets where it is advisable to drink and blog. Algore approved. THE hangout for spammers to relax with cheap porn that they didn't try to push on someone else already.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Its sexy when a man has enough going on in his life that he NEEDS a purse! That black strap emphasizes the rippling chest muscles. And its doubly hot that he has a little bit of skin showing because his man purse is pulling his shirt up.

Man Purse is hot.


Warped Mind of Ron said...

Obviously it's not the same with a fanny pack. Everybody ridiculed me!! It's not my fault the only color they had left was hot pink!!!

rennratt said...

Yes, it is hot. It screams "I am such a freaking girl!", "I must accessorize!" and "Clinton Kelly could totally beat me up!"

Anonymous said...

Man purse = repository of family jewels.