The one place on the internets where it is advisable to drink and blog. Algore approved. THE hangout for spammers to relax with cheap porn that they didn't try to push on someone else already.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I feel so priviliged, and would feel even more priviliged I knew I were spelling "priviliged" correctly. It just don't look right, mammy. Never mind, I am HONORED! Here in the Gutter we have the most insane collection of internetters on the internets. Me, Stew, Greg, and now we are joined by the honorable RON and the esteemed PRUNELLA. Ron brings a lot to the table, including his considerable experience mediating divorcing couples, and his expertise in all things involving groundhogs. Prunella brings the sexy to the blog, with her boobacious stripping experiences and great rack. How do I know she has a great rack? Why, I've seen the rack with my very own two eyes, how else would I know such a thing? Did you delete the rack, Pru?

I put out the invitation on my original blog when I first made the Gutter - anybody who wanted to join, email me!! Nobody responded. I managed to convince Pru to join via chat, and I was convinced Ron must not be interested in posting useless drivel, until he pointed out the small but important fact that his whole BLOG is useless drivel. I realized then how very qualified he was to join.

We gotta get some people on here. Send out invites to the craziest folks on your blogroll. Tell them to email me, and I'll add 'em on. We can have up to 100 participants. Our only rule is we are going to try to keep it rated R - i.e. - stick penises are okay, but photos of real juicy dripping penises are not. Greg is in recovery from surgery and we need to prevent him from going into shock. Oh and our other rule is that NO UPSTANDING CITIZENS ARE ALLOWED. This is the Gutter, after all. We're at the end of the road.


kenju said...

Well, now, after reading, I'm not sure I can add anything to your gutterness here. However, I will enjoy reading what others come up with....LOL. Keep up the good (?) work!

Warped Mind of Ron said...

What?! No Real Penis pictures!!! Well OK I'll just hit the delete button on my camera now....

And how did I miss your blog inviting writers?

Stew Magoo said...

I'd think that a "real" picture of a peni would be acceptable as long as it wasn't being inserted in anything. But I guess it all depends on the context. I wholeheartedly support the broadcast and dissemination of boobies though. In any context. After all, one can view boobaliciousness in PG movies. Or whatever the heck they're being called now.

Now people abusing bacon or Zombies eating veggies? Not acceptable.

Prunella Jones said...

The rack is still up on my site. I like to throw a new pic up every now and then when ever I'm feeling particularly exhibitionistic.

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