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Monday, November 24, 2008


I consider myself a daring cook. Usually.

However, it seems that Yankee Ingenuity can sometimes go too far.

Behold the following recipe, located in my [late] mother-in-law's cookbook:

Sue's Salad Spread

Grind together:

3 large carrots
1 green pepper
1 large container Spam or Treet

Mash in 1-2 Tbsp. Mayonaise or Salad Dressing, to taste.

Please note the following for clarification:

1. Sue was NOT my M-I-L's name.
2. Salad Dressing= Miracle Whip.
3. Treet is Poor Man's Spam.

In spite of my creative palate, I can find nothing even remotely redeeming in this recipe. Especially since the words "Grind" and "Mash" are included.



Warped Mind of Ron said...

Ummmmm.... ewwwww.... Me no like Treet or Treat or Spam or anything similar.

kenju said...

I think maybe I'd toss that one in the round file.

Anonymous said...

Well, that narrows down the cause of death.

Prunella Jones said...

Serve that recipe in a bowl of lime green jello and it sounds like something my grandma would have made. said...

You can always substitute cat meat for Treet!