The one place on the internets where it is advisable to drink and blog. Algore approved. THE hangout for spammers to relax with cheap porn that they didn't try to push on someone else already.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yeah, just give ME the 14.95

You probably know that I'm a greedy capitalist pig by now. If not, I'm a greedy capitalist pig.

And I saw this video (which in truth, has been floating around for a while) for the "Tiddy Bear". The premise is that you can get this soft and fuzzy bear shaped thing that will provide you girls with, um lady lumps, some relief from the chafing or other uncomfortableness of the seatbelt.

Here's the video.

Now, what a waste. Like that bear gives a shit about your boobs. But I can tell you that I DO care about your boob comfort. And I'll give YOU a whole dollar if you'll let me put my hand between your glorious boobalas give you a dollar off the 14.95 rate. In fact for a limited time only, you can, for only 9.95 have a PERSONALIZED Tiddy comfort strap... courtesy of my hand. Want something softer? I'll wear a glove. Just call me Michael Jackson.

Just call me ladies. That's BR-549. Call it, it'll ring.

(and if I'm busy I'm pretty sure that Ron'll fill in)

-=Thanks Katie=-


Warped Mind of Ron said...

OMG.. call me childish, but I giggled every time they said, "Tiddy Bear" in that commercial. And naturally you will need to get the second Tiddy Bear because after all women have two Tiddies. (I will offer many alternative services to the Tiddy Bear, just call me.)

Stew Magoo said...

Hey. What is this? You poaching my boob comfort action there Mr. um..., Ron?

Back off buddy. I tell you, you don't wanna see me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
