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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Over

It's over. The Democrats won. For more than the trivial reasons spewed by the press - Palin, the economy, the war, the astrological signs - the Republicans lost faith with the country.

I used to be a registered Republican. But then one too many "Karl Run-Amuck" Rove, one too many "Ah put the boy into Cow-boy" George Bush Jr., one too many Cheney-and Rumsfeld together, one too many "Dan Quail is my man" by George Senior did me in. I liked Reagan because he was genuine, not a Richard Nixonian Republican.

We no longer have Whigs and Torries, because once those parties lost the respect of their members, they had to dissolve and re-form. The RepublicansCOULD rename themselves the Ted Stevens Arrogant Bastards party, I suppose, but we would still know.

Like God did during the great flood: just erase it, and start over.

5 comments: said...

Cheer up, Greg. I don't think people have lost faith in the Republican party, but they HAVE made some mistakes. Let's face it, there is practically no way a Repub was going to win in the wake of Bush. McCain could have possibly done it, but then he chooses a Fruit Loop to run with him, thinking that she's going to sweep the Hilary vote because he figured all of them just wanted a woman. Hilary's girls are smarter than that.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm not depressed. It would be much worse with McPalin. If I need a label, it's probably libertarian with a small "l", for "least" government. The economy and defense used to be Republiccan hallmarks; not any more. said...

I think it is important to note that Fruit Loop is actually spelled Froot Loop.

Michael said...

As a friend of mine said, "We didn't desert our party; our party deserted us."

Just Google: Obama scale back expectations

In true politician form: promise anything, deliver nothing, focus on getting re-elected.

Stew Magoo said...

I think we should all focus on getting naked and going for a brief run. Pumpkin on head entirely optional.