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Sunday, November 9, 2008


The Gutter has some extra room in it tonight, and I don't like it.

Gutter Greg is having surgery this week, leaving Gutter Brenda and Gutter Stew without a referee to keep us tame. Hanging in the Gutter with only Gutter Stew is no fun. He spends all day panhandling, only to spend the money on bacon. He won't even cook it, he just eats it all slimely out of the package. He burps, farts, scratches himself in unmentionable places, and hocks lugeys at passers-by.

We NEED Gutter Greg. He makes us straighten up the Gutter everyday. He makes Gutter Stew actually cook the bacon. He encourages me, Gutter Brenda, to clean up my language. He is the sole reason we keep it Rated R around here. Gutter Greg commands our respect, and we love to give it to him. Respect, that is.

The next few days are going to be hell. I'll be faithfully watching and awaiting his return. He's the only thing that saves the Gutter from the Gutter.

GET WELL SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Warped Mind of Ron said...

Get well soon Gutter Greg... and when you do make Stew share his bacon with me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys are just too nice! I had a very good meeting with the doctor on Monday, and I'm scheduled for the implant at 1:00 pm Tuesday. I'll be in the hospital overnight.

Lacy goes into the doggie hotel for a sleepover (!) at noon.

I just found out that Novartis will wait for me to arrive in Lincoln, NE, for a very lucrative conttract (read: after one week, they could not find another qualified sucker to go to the Middle Earth wasteland! Yess!)

Thanks again, Brenda and Stew!

Anonymous said...

And Ron.

Anonymous said...

It's now 1:20 Wednesday. The thing went very well Tuesday afternoon - I was awake, watching the stent go in on the TV monitors. They kept me overnight in the hospital, and I checked out at 9:15 this morning.

Then I picked up Lacy at the boarding kennel after her outdoor playtime with the other dogs, and her bath, and we are now finishing off a Domino's pizza.

Beats the hell out of a bypass!
