The one place on the internets where it is advisable to drink and blog. Algore approved. THE hangout for spammers to relax with cheap porn that they didn't try to push on someone else already.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm Ready for my Close Up....

First off I would like to thank Brenda for this honor. It is a privilege to have my simple writings be contained in this blog with all of these esteemed and respected authors. I am humbled by this opportunity that has been provided to me.

It was really a bit nerve wracking at first. You see I reported in to write today and I met with Greg. First time I've met him, but I will peruse his blog later. He was friendly enough and after meeting with him in his lavish office and discussing the goals and objectives of this blog in his sitting room he then showed me to my office where I will be working. My office is a little cramped, but it will do. I mean the walls are used to store the mops and brooms and all, but I get a nifty little sink that I have to share with the janitor. I'm sure I will get used to all the odd plumbing noises when the toilets are flushed.

I then went to meet with Brenda. Hmmm.... she's in a new wing of the building and her personal assistant declared that I needed an appointment. I was a little disappointed, but seeing as Perez Hilton and Johnny Depp were sitting in her waiting area I didn't feel to bad. I guess...

So as I was walking back I passed Stew's office and figure what the heck, I'll drop in. His office is covered in drawings that to me resemble stick figure penises. Hmmm.... then fianally after searching many of his offices and passing though his kitchen I find him in a lounge area getting a lap dance from a stripper and eating bacon at the same time.... I think I will intoduce myself later....

This day is really not what I expected at all... I figure what the hell I will see what Pru is up to. Finally I get to meet her face to face. Well... she was naked so maybe face to .... ummm stuff. She didn't seem to even realize how odd that was. She kept saying something about her being next over at Stew's office. She seemed a bit hyper and kept chastising a monkey in the other room about teasing the bowl kitty. I decided that she seemed to busy right now and decided to leave. I'm not sure, but I can swear as I left I thought I saw a land gator lunge at where I had been standing. No.... that would be crazy....

This day didn't go at all as I planned. I think I will come back to the office later in the week and try to get started on something for you.


Stew Magoo said...

RON! Welcome to the gutter. Or as they say in France. Ze guttier.

Have some bacon. I'm not sharing the strippers.


Prunella Jones said...

Oh, that was you, Ron? Sorry, I mistook you for one of those pesky I.R.S. people who keep pestering me about my back taxes. That's the only reason I told Land Gator to attack. Honest. said...

Well Ron, you're in the Gutter now. Once you hit the gutter, my friend, it takes a long hard battle to pick yourself back up. But we're all in this together....