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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jorge the Spider

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Jorge the spider is my favorite pet.
I won’t have to take him to visit the vet.

He doesn’t require messy litter or scoops
or daily walks either, since he never poops

He doesn’t have dander that will make you sneeze.
No need for a collar, he doesn’t have fleas.

He’s ever so quiet, so still, and serene
and fun to scare friends with around Halloween.

There's no need to fear him, he won't ever bite.
And if you are broke, you'll find him a delight!

The reason, you see, is because he is dead
and therefore does not even need to be fed.


Warped Mind of Ron said...

I always like how if a spider broke a leg it didn't need to use a crutch. said...

It died because it couldn't believe Michele Obama would steal its fashion plate.