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Monday, November 17, 2008

Evil Squirrel Armies are upon us!!

OK I'm willing to admit that not all squirrels are evil and out for world domination, just most of them. You see only the evil ones are likely to survive, as I found out from this picture.

We need to plan a rebellion against them before it's..... wait.... did you hear that? OMG! I think they are outside my house! I hear them on my roof!! .... Oh God, I heard a window breaking in the other room... do your best to organize, save yourse....................................................

never mind wat i sez b4, I crazy human biped. No wory bout frend squirel, we r frendly... mean they r frendly. Nice nite open yur windows and leave nutz out tonite fur fun, you do that now?


Stew Magoo said...

My nuts are out. said...

Squirrels ARE evil - why just last year they broke into my shed (not the famous ex-husband shed) and broke into a big bag of bird seed I was saving for the winter birds. I had to borrow one of those Shop-Vacs to clean the place up.